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Hello everyone, I have tried now for 2 hours to make an contact form in couchcms, the input and submit button and everything working, k_error and k_succes.

But when I try write in text area and send, it says Thanks for send ....

But the mail don't send I quess because i try to send to my own mail, but i don't recive it. I have made .php file, <?php require_once( 'couch/cms.php' ); ?> and mostly everything I quess.

There must be something easy I have missed.

That seems to be a problem with cms:send_mail - try using it outside the form and see if the mail goes through. Try using email addresses that belong to same domain as the website to check if your host has problem with external domains.

Finally, please see viewtopic.php?f=8&t=8720 and try the alternative method of sending email, if the steps above do not help.

Hope this helps.
I have fixed everything, the only problem was with the host. Everything with the code was correct. So it's working. Thanks anyway for great support.
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