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Two very important things:
1. I am in love with CouchCMS
2. This is my 1st post, hope I am not doing the posting on a wrong thread (new thread)

I have lately been working with databound forms feature of Couch. I searched for what is my current requirement, but didnt find anything that could solve my problem. The problem description is:

Problem Statement:
Generating a report from the data collected by the DataBound Forms, so that they can be printed by:
(a) selecting a range for printing (Entire report or selective range)
(b) printing at the click of a button
(c) saving the report in the pdf format (automatically)
so that the Data Saved in DataBound Forms can be saved or printed out for evaluating for personal/company/organizational/commercial purposes.

Expecting an early reply. Please.
where innovation meets technology
Hello and welcome genxcoders.
I am so glad you liked Couch :)

Data-bound forms create regular cloned pages so we can always list them on the front-end using cms:pages tag. Using the technique described at viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7620 we can create a 'filtered' search to fine-tune exactly what gets ouputted.

So, as the first step in solving your problem - we'll have to use the technique above to 'generate' and show the reports on the front-end like a regular webpage.

The second step then would be to either print the webpage we got above or save it as PDF.

Printing is trivial as that is built into all browsers (requires only setting a stylesheet specific to print and using JS to send the output to printer).
Converting to PDF, however, will require using third-party PDF library.

Anways, I suggest you please complete the first step (showing the report as a webpage) and we can come to the second step latter.

Do keep us posted.

Thanks for the quick reply.
I will try the first step now and get back soon.
where innovation meets technology
Converting to PDF, however, will require using third-party PDF library.
I realized that the statement is not strictly true - Chrome, while printing, natively gives an option to save the print output as PDF. So, even that is trivial now.

I am stuck again.
I am able to submit the DataBound Form. But it is not getting saved at the back-end.

Please help me step-by-step.
where innovation meets technology
Please help me step-by-step.
For that I'll have to take a look at your code.
This is my code:

<?php require_once( 'couch/cms.php' ); ?>
<cms:template title='Event Registration Form' clonable='1'>
<cms:editable name='first_name' required='1' type='text' />
<cms:editable name='last_name' required='1' type='text' />
<cms:editable name='college_name' required='1' type='text' />
<cms:editable name='email' required='1' validator='email' type='text' />
<cms:editable name='mob_num' required='1' type='text' />
<cms:editable name='event' required='1' type='checkbox'
opt_values=' Event One | Event Two | Event Three | Event Four | Event Five | Event Six'
<cms:editable name='paper' required='0' allowed_ext='pdf, doc, docx' max_size='1024' type='securefile' />
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<cms:set submit_success="<cms:get_flash 'submit_success' />" />
<cms:if submit_success >
<h4>Success: Your application has been submitted.</h4>


<cms:if k_success >

<cms:check_spam email=frm_email />


<cms:set_flash name='submit_success' value='1' />
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<cms:if k_error >
<div class="error">
<cms:each k_error >
<br><cms:show item />
<!--<form method="post">-->
<cms:input name="first_name" type="bound" placeholder="First Name" />
<br />

<cms:input name="last_name" type="bound" placeholder="Last Name" />
<br />

<cms:input name="college_name" type="bound" placeholder="College Name" />
<br />

<cms:input name="email" type="bound" placeholder="Email Address" />
<br />

<cms:input name="mob_num" type="bound" placeholder="Mobile Number" />
<br />

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<cms:input type="bound" name="event" value="checkbox" id="CheckboxGroup1_0" />
<br /><br />

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where innovation meets technology

I tested you template on my machine and everything is working just fine (i.e. submitting form results in creation of cloned page in admin).

Could be some issue with the JS files your template is using - try disabling JavaScript in your browser and submit the form.

Finally am done with it...

The form is all ready and running...
Now set for the next step... Awaiting!!!
where innovation meets technology
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