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This is a longshot. On my website ( I've created a photoblog. Since I use my Android phone to take photos once in a while it would be great to be able to update the blog from the phone. Right now this isn't possible because the image browser isn't working properly on my Android. When I press Image Browser on one of the Image fields in Couch the pop-up opens, but no files or folders are displayed, it's also impossible to press upload after I've selected a file that I want to upload.

So to my question. Would it be hard to make a image uploader that works with Android or iPhone? If thats possible then cool, but using a different image uploader gives me another problem, there would be no way to easily get the link to the image without typing or copy/pasting the link into the appropriate field.

I know this is a bit of a longshot and if it isn't possible then just ignore this completely ;) I thought I should just ask
I was able to document the same things you mentioned on a Kindle I had access to.

Additionally, on an iPad I tested this on, the file uploader did not work either. I don't think the current iOS supports media uploading, so as far as iPhone/iPad goes, an easy solution may be out of reach for the time being.
Easiest way for now is probably to find a ftp client for Android and upload using that. Then just type the url into the field
For the record, I was able to confirm first hand that with the recent iOS6 update, both plupload and fileuploader now work just fine.
Off topic, but the fileuploader doesn't work with IE10 release preview. No files or folders are listed.
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'selectSingleNode'
fckxml.js, line 271 character 3

Update: This error was fixed in the official release.
cheesypoof wrote: Off topic, but the fileuploader doesn't work with IE10 release preview. No files or folders are listed.
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'selectSingleNode'
fckxml.js, line 271 character 3

Update: This error was fixed in the official release.

My uploader is not working with IE10. Can anyone check if it's just me or a common problem?
Thank you
Does the fileuploader not work when used for image/file editable regions and inserting images into CKEditor? Do check both scenarios.

Please open your web console and copy any errors you see, Tools > F12 developer tools > Console. You may need to refresh the page with this open first.
hi cheesyproof,

I get the same error message as you did:

Code: Select all
SCRIPT438: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode "selectSingleNode" nicht 
fckxml.js, Zeile 136 Zeichen 3

no difference if ckeditor or editable region. Looks like something with the fckxml.js is going wrong
cheesyproof ;)

I don't recall why I edited my post saying this issue was fixed by the official release. I just tested it again and as you correctly pointed out, it is still broken... I had previously reported this at I will add a reply to that ticket and hopefully there will be a fix. However, we shouldn't count on one being supplied as this script is quite old.
As cheesypoof mentioned, it is unlikely that CKEditor folks will provide a fix for the uploader.

Thought pertinent, therefore, to add to this thread that the coming version of Couch will ship with a new (and a much more feature-rich) filemanager - KCFinder.
You can find a demo of it at

Wonder if you can test out the demo in your android/IE10 setup and let us know if it works well.

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