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Hello! I'm experiencing a little problem in displaying the folder names of a clonable page as titles on pages, in list view. Currently I'm working on implementing a business directory, so I need all information about a company only on page view, and only a few information filtered, based on folder name, in list view (folder name will become a H1 title on the page + under this the name/list of companies which belong to that folder).
Can you point me to the right solution to achieve this?

Thank you!

You can use k_folder_title variable e.g
Code: Select all
<h1><cms:show k_folder_title /></h1>

TIP: When in doubt about what variables are available in a view and which one of them to use, temporarily place a <cms:dump /> statement in the template and you can see all the variables along with their current values.
Wauuuu! I realize now how stupid was my question :(
The problem was that I tried to use <cms:show k_folder_title /> inside of <cms:pages masterpage='.......'> </cms:pages> and the result was title displayed once/each company listed :)
Thank you KK once again for helping me out of trouble.
OMG, <cms:dump /> is such a neat trick :o Thanks both for the functionality and the tip! :D
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