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Is there any alternative to couch's default file/image uploader KCFinder?
I was browsing the forum for the past minutes and couldn't find any post related to that.

I'm asking this because the last version is 10 years old (!) and the interface/features feel.. a bit aged. Would be amazing to have something a bit more savvy and technological with image cropping, automatic save for multiple image sizes.. all those things.

Anyway, as always, couchcms rocks big time <3

New for the sake of being new is not a good investment, imo, that's why Couch is what it is — a stable reliable platform, which allows quite a lot of affordable configuration. So, the answer is no, but I am a user just like you, so maybe there is something in the works? Only KK could answer that.

I would also say here from my personal viewpoint (which likely is far from KK and Couch 's) that it is awesome for certain type of people to wish to receieve a whole package out of thin air, e.g. new design, new functionality etc. That's okay but rarely happens. It takes someone with resourses to research the topic of file uploaders, find one suitable, purchase/negotiate license, submit a huge PR to open source CouchCMS repo and support it for a few years. If you have financially profited enough from CouchCMS I suggest you pool a cut to KK so he makes a good estimate on a new file uploader. I myself stand at a net loss here, so can only pray that there are people like you (probably) who make money to sponsor improvements.
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