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I have around 10 users that uses our Couch admin installation.
Thing is, we do upload PDF files with sensitive data that should not be visible to some of them.

But from what I can see, when using a "file" editable, it just shows all folders in the little modal window.
So everyone sees all files.

Is there a way to give access to certain folders only when uploading stuff?

For example :

Code: Select all
<cms:editable name='download_file' label="Download file link" type='file' access='subfolder1 | subfolder2' />

So that line of code would only display "subfolder1" and "subfolder2" in the KCFinder window.

Thank you very much
Doable with a custom addon that tells KCFinder to list only necessary top-level folders. If this matter can not wait till @KK recovers, I could take on this custom work in the coming days.

I have an addon for instance, that sets up permissions on a global level i.e. file-dir view/rename/delete/upload (per user), however your specific folder-user binding requirement does ask for a deep alteration of kcfinder browsing logic and would need thorough testing.
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