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I purchased a license for my site a while ago now but hopefully I can still get some help. I have a site where there are multiple administrators but I dont know them personally and have put quite a few hours into the existing pages, so I dont want to risk losing my work.

Therefore I was wondering if there was some addon or way by which I can
1. only allow admins to only create but not delete existing pages that they have created, and if there was
2. some way to hide in the backend the pages that they did not created. I still want all pages to be viewable to the superadmin from the backend and to everyone from the frontend.

Hello there,

I have worked something out for similar situations.
It's not the absolute 100% secure way to do it, but if you just want to hide the delete button/icon when you're looking at a list of entries, what I did is using a admin custom theme.

To do this, the best would be to use a custom admin theme so that you do not override default admin files, but just to test it out, you can go to :

root of your site > couch > theme > _system > content_list_inner.html

Edit that file and add :

Code: Select all
<cms:if k_user_access_level lt '10'>
    <style> {
            display:none !important;

That way, using CSS (which is why I said it's not the most secure way to do it since someone could go in the Browser inspector and edit the CSS code to display the icon again and click on it...but most people don't know how to do this anyway), you'll hide the clickable delete icon to everyone who's not a Super-admin.

I think this should work.

Good luck
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