I found the post/topic viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7173 to create a dynamic sitemap within couchcms and it works all ok but found that it's repeating pages and also it's outputting the images as well as .html files. The code I have is from the link viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7173&start=20#p24777
Below is the code I have
Is there a way to not display the image files, for example some lines are below from the sitemap file
Also if can not repeat the pages like the output below
Below is the code I have
- Code: Select all
<?php require_once( 'cms/cms.php' ); ?><cms:template title='Sitemap Page' clonable='0' hidden='1' commentable='0' executable='1' order='13'></cms:template><cms:content_type 'text/xml' /><cms:concat '<' '?xml version="1.0" encoding="' k_site_charset '"?' '>' />
<cms:templates order='desc' >
<cms:if (k_template_name eq 'sitemap.php') || (k_template_name eq 'globals.php') || (k_template_name eq 'globalstwo.php') || (k_template_name eq 'globalsthree.php') >
<cms:else />
<cms:if k_template_name eq 'index.php' >
<loc><cms:show k_template_link /></loc>
<lastmod><cms:date "<cms:if k_page_modification_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00'><cms:show k_page_date /><cms:else /><cms:show k_page_modification_date /></cms:if>" format='Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00' gmt='1' /></lastmod>
<cms:else />
<loc><cms:show k_template_link /></loc>
<lastmod><cms:date "<cms:if k_page_modification_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00'><cms:show k_page_date /><cms:else /><cms:show k_page_modification_date /></cms:if>" format='Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00' gmt='1' /></lastmod>
<cms:pages masterpage=k_template_name >
<loc><cms:show k_page_link /></loc>
<lastmod><cms:date "<cms:if k_page_modification_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00'><cms:show k_page_date /><cms:else /><cms:show k_page_modification_date /></cms:if>" format='Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00' gmt='1' /></lastmod>
<?php COUCH::invoke(); ?>
Is there a way to not display the image files, for example some lines are below from the sitemap file
- Code: Select all
Also if can not repeat the pages like the output below
- Code: Select all