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I am looking to integrate couchcms cart into a existing couchcms website, the catalog/products side is currently using opencart but since a php upgrade to version 8.2, it's proving to be bit of a nightmare in terms of upgrading from opencart 2 to opencart 3 and then adding extensions in again so wondering if it's possible to do the following in couchcms cart

1) Make it catalog/view mode only so it will be a browsing website instead of allowing visitors to buy online?

2) Have a main page that displays the categories with a category image and then links to the relevant category page which then goes to a product page when click on a product within the category page?

3) On the category page, have a text description at the top then the products below that belong to that category?

4) Have multiple tabs on the product page, for example first tab would be description, second tab would be video or specification and the content changes for the relevant tab?

5) On the product page, would it be possible to have a button that says Request more information and if clicked on, it displays a form in a popup where the visitor can fill the form out and request more information about the specific product?
Nothing as posted requires the Cart addon. Just use the default views: folder, page etc.
trendoman wrote: Nothing as posted requires the Cart addon. Just use the default views: folder, page etc.

Oh right ok, would the category page be a clonable page or folder? Would the products would be a clonable template page?
Follow the Tutorial, it covers pages and folders in a quite palpable way. ... folio.html
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