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ChatGPT AI wrote: Sure, here's an example of a simple page in CouchCMS template language:

Code: Select all
<cms:template title='Basic page'>
  <title><cms:show k_page_title /></title>
  <div id="main">
   <cms:editable name='main_content' type='richtext'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Donec id ante libero. Curabitur convallis elit dolor, vitae egestas elit placerat eget.</cms:editable>

ChatGPT AI wrote: This code defines a template called "Basic page". In the head of the document, it sets the title to the value of the `k_page_title` variable. In the body, it creates a div with an editable region named "main_content" that contains some placeholder text.

When this template is used to create a new page, the user will be able to edit the content inside the "main_content" region without having to touch any code.


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I have a few questions to myself I must give answers for, after seeing that. :roll:
I think we are witnessing something (talking about ChatGPT phenomenon as a whole), that will divide the world into 'Before GPT' and 'After GPT' eras forever.
It reminds me the "Singularity Series" from William Hertling.
Create a Couchcms addon that provides a Couchcms tag called 'compress' that reduces leading and trailing spaces.

Code: Select all
if (!defined('K_COUCH_DIR')) die(); // cannot be loaded directly

class Compress
    public static function compress($params, $node)
        foreach ($node->children as $child) {
            $html .= $child->get_HTML();

        $html = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $html);
        $html = trim($html);

        return $html;

$FUNCS->register_tag('compress', array('Compress', 'compress'));
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Bots are sucking all available information from public and private sources since first dotcoms (90x) and neural networks now look well-trained to process the languages better than ever. I do not fear they will be able to code better than me — I really hope they do so I have another teacher to learn from them :). Instead, I am worried that ai-bots have zero obligation to make code readable. Code can work but not necessarily be verifiable easily or can be obfuscated on purpose. Deep in my heart I accept "black boxes" only when they are mine.

I have removed most repositories from github to delay the bots from learning how to code better for CouchCMS. Code in forum is often garbage (apart from official docs and tips&tricks topics), it's not worthy a lot. The freely available code online (== open to scraping and ai-learning) will then mostly consist of forum topics and documentation. I will continue to provide copies of my tags, funcs and addons freely upon requests. My intention is to maintain a human monopoly on coding as long as it makes sense — because I code for people, not machines. I hope to see advanced ai-bots to be available for general public without APIs i.e. self-hosted. Then we can train them on our own codebase and codebases of our friends. It can learn and help us code, write documentation etc. Only if we have them locally, we will be able to enforce that ai writes a readable, understandable code for humans. At present, my publicly-available online code would only feed the interests of impenetrable corporations. I'll gladly consider other options in further discussion :)
I have removed most repositories from github to delay the bots from learning how to code better for CouchCMS.

That is too bad, Anton. Your repos had some very interesting techniques that I had bookmarked (as, I am sure, many others would have too).
Perhaps you'd want to reconsider your decision prioritizing humans over bots?
KK wrote:
I have removed most repositories from github to delay the bots from learning how to code better for CouchCMS.

That is too bad, Anton. Your repos had some very interesting techniques that I had bookmarked (as, I am sure, many others would have too).
Perhaps you'd want to reconsider your decision prioritizing humans over bots?

Kamran, it is a simple manipulation in your words: people vs bots. What exactly do you think is best to do now?

Meanwhile, you omitted (deliberately?) to quote the following —
Anton wrote: I will continue to provide copies of my tags, funcs and addons freely upon requests.

There are organized people behind the bots, they own the bots and sell the access to bot API. How can I prioritize your people vs those people? There is a certain queue, they say, so not everyone may purchase the processing power to run the bots — this ai technology is not even available for everyone hence it is a tyranny of those who decide who is permitted to pay for API access and who will be denied to pay for API (anonymous money is not a deciding factor, sic!). This is happening today.
Anton wrote: I will continue to provide copies of my tags, funcs and addons freely upon requests.

I, of course, appreciate your gesture. It is just that I think it is more helpful to be able to browse everything freely at one place.
Anyway, it is your decision and I respect it.
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