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I'm using folders to represent geographical areas, and I want to use this in a databound form. Following advice elsewhere on the forum (which I can't now find again!), I used:
Code: Select all
<cms:input name="k_page_folder_id" type="bound" />

And this works: but if an area hasn't yet been selected, the box reads '--Select Folder--', and the term 'folder' isn't meaningful to the end user.

Is there a quick way to make it say '--Select Area--' instead?

If not I can extract the list of folders and inject them as options into a select field, of course, but knowing KK there's probably a far simpler way....:-)

Using JS to manipulate the select field is perfectly fine.

As an alternative, you may try using the method shown in the following thread that creates a 'shadow' folder dropdown (as part of the use-case being discussed there which is a little different) -

Please let me know if it helps.
Thanks, @KK - JS seems the easiest way to go here!
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