Forum for discussing general topics related to Couch.
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Anton, this could be a great addon for our beloved CMS.

It can save a lot of time for developers. I'm just a "hobby" web developer, but jumping from code to documentation and vice versa is not so funny task.

The explanations, examples, and tips are great to be in help. I like the old DOS vibe.

I assume you will charge this feature, which is reasonable because you are putting a lot of work in it, did you find out the price? What about the estimated release date?

Another question is about the couch community. Why is it so inactive on this topic?
rdamir82 wrote: Another question is about the couch community. Why is it so inactive on this topic?

In my case, because I am already using HEPA(Help Pages Addon). :D
rdamir82 wrote: I assume you will charge this feature, which is reasonable because you are putting a lot of work in it, did you find out the price? What about the estimated release date?

Thanks for your questions, it does help. Let's talk about it a bit, because I honestly did not realize I could charge for that feature.

We can safely assume this feature mainly consists of 2 parts -

(1) I do the heavy lifting of writing the stuff, compiling from multiple sources and writing new text for the tags missed out in official web documentation, also feature newly added params for the known tags. I'd like these pages have some developer tips, examples of usage, links and anything relevant that helps dig further.
(2) I invented a way of calling out a tag's help page (via param e.g. <cms:pp_option_values help='1' /> or querystring ?help=pp_option_values or separate tag <cms:get_help tag='pp_option_values' >). I used it to brag on my Couch-PHP interdisciplinary skill and create a new thing - a parameter that makes itself available to all the tags automatically. It is, of course, my preferential choice and others might find this part unnecessary. A help page could be called in some other way, perhaps one can possibly take all the help files - these are just small HTML files - and place them all into a huge single HTML file with links or make some sort of a web page akin to KK's documentation page.

So, I think that documentation as of (1) is expected to be free for all, no? And (2) is a way of using that documentation (instead of browsing web version) and of course this part can be charged for if people find it compelling.

That said, I am eager to hear what makes the excitement - having all the docs finally available and/or having a new way of calling up the docs?

P.S. So far 190 tags to go, 71 done.
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Ryazania — a framework to boost productivity with Add-ons viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13475
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It is 20.02.2020, a nice-looking date :) So, I spent several hours today on cms:date tag, as attached in screenshot. While KK's version covers more format characters for parameter 'format', I decided to include only the frequent characters to trim page size and spend it on other relevant topics. Which version do you like most?

Official is at
New one -
cms_date_2020-02-20.jpg (523.48 KiB) Viewed 35410 times
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Ryazania — a framework to boost productivity with Add-ons viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13475
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Hello, trendoman.

AnthonyW90 wrote: My knowledge of couchcms is primarily based on the documentation provided,

This is a big problem for new comer.

Does help-tag have a function to show list of available tags ?
gem3 wrote: Hello, trendoman.
Does help-tag have a function to show list of available tags ?

Hello @gem3 :)
Please welcome the <cms:list_tags /> tag.
(881 Bytes) Downloaded 2245 times

I have just run it in my system and it built a list of tags, registered in my system, including custom tags and tags from active addons (of course, not all addons are active, so there could be more tags).

tags.png (74.23 KiB) Viewed 35343 times
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Ryazania — a framework to boost productivity with Add-ons viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13475
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Hello, trendoman.

Thank you for your new addon,<cms:list_tags />!

Then I would like to add these code. ;)

$list .= '<li><a href="' .$tag .'.html">' .$tag .'</a></li>';
Hi together,

I would link the site search for better results:

Code: Select all
$list .= '<li><a href="' . $tag . '' . $tag . '&gsc.ref=more%3Atags_reference" target="_blank">' . $tag . '</a></li>';
Hi every one

pretty new to couch, ive come from using flatfile, to creating my basic php mini dynamic site and now im looking at building greater functionality into some of the templates I have "borrowed" from HTML5up.

im trying to following the tutorial but find it a bit confusing for the clonable templates

then I saw you have a template ( that can be downloaded to see how the code fits into each page

I cant download the final zip, and I am struggling to understand the concept of the single clonable template, normally I would just use an include and pull in a page on php or bring in the required SQL for a repeating "list" of posts that can then be expanded as a read more, I just can t seem to get it to work with couch - can anyone provide a working link to the final zip so I can explore the file to see where I am going wrong

thank you
(123.57 KiB) Downloaded 1580 times

sugacoma wrote: can anyone provide a working link to the final zip so I can explore the file to see where I am going wrong

thank you
Join COUCH:TALK channel here
Ryazania — a framework to boost productivity with Add-ons viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13475
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