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Doing a new website that will need couchcms integrating but they need to change menu names in the future at some point in the future so wondering what the best way to do it is?

Is the best way doing it using nested pages and then doing a pointer page but the page needs to be editable so the user can add/edit content on the page

I think Nested Pages (AKA Menu Maker) would suffice for this use-case.
Thank you, thought that would be the best way

Just looking for bit of confirmation really as been looking at nested pages aka menu maker and I see I can create the menu names/links with it but the user does not need to create pages as I have already created them, they will just need to change the menu titles/names itself that show in the nav menu. I thought of using the pointer pages but that takes away the editable side of the pages so unsure how to have both pointer page and the page being editable or so the user can change the menu names when needed but still be able to update the pages content

So to confirm, the pages need to be editable but the menu names be changed/updated in the couchcms admin side, I have been looking around on Google and been looking at the following links and wondering if any of those would work

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