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I wanted to ask if there is way to turn off or hide title and this other thing when I am using cloned pages because I am creating list of products so I am using clonable pages and list view so I have custom title for each product, I found solution here on forum that turned off or hidded these two things but cms would not let me to create new item because It was replying with error that required fields are empty.

Please see viewtopic.php?f=5&t=10241 where customizing the admin screens is discussed in detail.

For successfully saving a page, it must have a unique 'name' - so if you choose to hide the fields you'll have to make sure to explicitly provide a uniique 'name' yourself (else you'll get the error you mentioned). Alternatively, instead of providing the 'name', one may provide the 'title' instead and Couch will formulate a unique name out of it internally.

From what I could gather from your post, you are using a custom field for titles of the products. You may use its value to set the system 'title' field; assuming the field is named 'xyz', following is how you can do that (notice the 'frm_; prepended to the name) -
Code: Select all

        k_page_title = frm_xyz


Hope this helps.
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