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Thank you for your posts in forum, they are very helpful.

Now I'm trying to use conditional fields as repeatable-regions with popup_edit.

But it does not work. I understand this is not usual way to use conditional fields.

Is this a specification ?

I, personally, could not decipher this problem. I suggest to be generous with description of the issue. It would help if you add this -
a. steps how to reproduce it
b. attach full template
c. description of what did you try

Now I'm trying to make a solution like Concrete5, Gutenberg in Wordpress with CouchCMS.
It is like "reuse-able section blocks" using snippets. It is challenging but getting done.

I will try a simple way of "Conditional fields as repeatable-regions with popup_edit" first, when problems get clear, I will ask question again.
Unfortunately for me, I do not understand what you mean by "Conditional fields as repeatable-regions with popup_edit". And "a simple way" of that is therefore completely obscure (for me). Could someone explain to me what @gem3 is trying to do?
@trendoman, I think @gem3 is trying to use conditional logic to hide/show fields (of repeatable region) in the popup form we get on the frontend while using popup_edit.
Hello @kk,@trendoman

I will make a new topic for explain what I am trying to make.
Hello @kk, @trendoman

With this solution, I can put repeatable code.

And repeatabae works well.

"show/hide" functions works well in backend of control panel.(It's really amazing @kk!)

So my code is like below.

Code: Select all
<div class="jumbotron">

  -- some repeatable code --

  <cms:pages masterpage="<cms:show k_template__parent_tpl />" >
    <cms:popup_edit "<cms:concat section_id '_title' />|<cms:concat section_id '_lead' />|<cms:concat section_id '_description' />|<cms:concat section_id '_button_text' />|<cms:concat section_id '_link' />" link_text="Edit" />

  <cms:pages masterpage="<cms:show k_template__parent_tpl />" >
    <cms:popup_edit "<cms:concat section_id '_repeatable' />" link_text="Edit" />


I put repeatable section with popup_edit. It shows with all fields in a repeatable section.
I understand mosaic functions have some limitations of use.
So I think this also one of limitations.

After checking popup_edit(inline) codes, it seems this tag does not support a conditional fields function.
(If it supports this function, please let me know how to use it.)

So I put a editable tag (type='message') with style display:none, it works.
(This is not conditional but my purpose is just to control show/hide in repeatable regions.)
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