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A solution to 1-click publish/unpublish (viewtopic.php?f=4&p=31327#p31322)

2018-07-27-001.png (10.43 KiB) Viewed 37783 times

Solution effectively recreates action buttons and adds an extra button there.
A click on new button sends an ajax request to the backend. A css trick marks the svg icon with color if page is unpublished. Various types of confirmations employed, so you can disable those you don't want.
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Ryazania — a framework to boost productivity with Add-ons viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13475
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Can this be implemented from the front end?

For example, If there is a clonable template creating employees and the employees need to be activated or deactivated. So can it be achieved by the front end as well? If so, how?

I could see the backend function, but can that entire function be replicated on frontend in extended user module?

Nevertheless, great work there!

where innovation meets technology

This has been working great, saving a lot of time!

Could you possibly extend the ability to toggle the pages publish status via selecting checkboxes and the batch drop down? :)
I can see a way to do it via dropdown and unpublish-publish in bulk.
Code above only deals with a single id.
If you don't want to mess with js-ajax-coding, PM me for a quote.
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Ryazania — a framework to boost productivity with Add-ons viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13475
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[quote="trendoman"]A solution to 1-click publish/unpublish (viewtopic.php?f=4&p=31327#p31322)

Is the attachment deleted?
Greetings Bertram
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