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I am getting the following error after installing couch:

web address turns into... (this is on my local sever)

http: /

website says:

The page isn’t redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

Are you, by any chance, using 'extended-users' addon and have opted for a custom login template?

If so, perhaps there is some mistake in its coding. Please try disabling that addon (or just the login template from config) for now and then try to troubleshoot the code.

If, however, the answer is negative, then it is quite strange to see the login URL (you posted) not containing the 'couch' installation folder. Are you sure you have installed Couch placing all its files in a separate folder (by default this is 'couch')?
Yes i think your right, do as you said then superuser each page after editing the extended users config :) thanks for the reminder KKK.
I get an error saying: ERROR! Unknown tag: "logout_link"

Had to point web address to couch folder. thank you.
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