Hi guys!
Having a little trouble with coding repeatable feature.
At this website - https://www.nippon-alloy.com/cn/new_product-1.php
I can't get Description and Specifirations tab in one line. Here's the code.
Sorry, if this is simple, not that good in coding(((
Having a little trouble with coding repeatable feature.
At this website - https://www.nippon-alloy.com/cn/new_product-1.php
I can't get Description and Specifirations tab in one line. Here's the code.
- Code: Select all
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-10 offset-md-1 offset-lg-0">
<!-- product info tabs start-->
<div class="product-info-tabs">
<div class="tabs-holder">
<!-- tabs header start-->
<div class="tabs-header"><cms:show_repeatable 'product_tabs'>
<span class="tabs-header__title"><cms:show product_tab_name /> </span>
<!-- tabs header end-->
<!-- tabs content start-->
<div class="tabs-content">
<div class="tabs-content__item">
<p><cms:show product_tab_text /></p>
<!-- tabs content end-->
<!-- product info tabs end-->
Sorry, if this is simple, not that good in coding(((