I have two issues that I can't seem to work out
1) If a product has variants, I select the variant and click the add button and it redirects to the cart.php page but says "Your cart is empty". If a product does not have any variants, it adds the product ok to the cart
2) The thumbnail of the product does not always show in the cart.php and checkout.php page
Below is the code for my product.php page for the issue with the variants
Below is the cart.php for the product variants issue
Below is the code from product.php for the thumbnail issue not always showing on the cart.php page
Below is the code for cart.php for the thumbnail issue not showing
I have two issues that I can't seem to work out
1) If a product has variants, I select the variant and click the add button and it redirects to the cart.php page but says "Your cart is empty". If a product does not have any variants, it adds the product ok to the cart
2) The thumbnail of the product does not always show in the cart.php and checkout.php page
Below is the code for my product.php page for the issue with the variants
- Code: Select all
<cms:editable name='group_variants' label='Variants' type='group' order='7' />
<b>Product Variants:</b>
<font color='#777'>If this product has variants (e.g. Size or Colour) add each to the box below using the following format:</font>
<font color='blue'><pre>
Color[Red | Black | Green]
Size[Large | Medium | Small]
<font color='#777'>Note that
1. Add each variant is on a separate line.
<div class="product-options">
<cms:pp_product_options >
<label><cms:show option_name />:</label>
<cms:pp_option_values />
</cms:pp_product_options >
Below is the cart.php for the product variants issue
- Code: Select all
<div class="desc-box">
<a href="<cms:show link />"><cms:show title /></a>
<cms:pp_selected_options separator='<br>' />
Below is the code from product.php for the thumbnail issue not always showing on the cart.php page
- Code: Select all
<cms:editable name='pp_product_thumb' label='Thumbnail' width='70' height='64' show_preview='1' assoc_field='product_main_image' type='thumbnail' group='product_info_group' order='3' />
Below is the code for cart.php for the thumbnail issue not showing
- Code: Select all
<img src="<cms:show product_thumb />" width="70" height="64" alt="<cms:show title />">