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I have member users that are also site admins and was hoping to find a way to bridge or bypass this to avoid the need of logging in two times. In this case those admin/users only need the inline edit function anyway.
I load frameworks and write bugs on top of them, after that I rearrange the code so that it looks like a cool product.

This is great news to hear about the members module.

Does this mean we can now create a full members profile area that can be edited by a public user once they have signed up?

For Example:

User can upload a avatar for the comments and it would display when they add a comment?
alexdevine wrote: Does this mean we can now create a full members profile area that can be edited by a public user once they have signed up?

Yes Alex, we can certainly do this with a front-end form. Please see the members/profile.php example. Create a new thread if you have any questions.
cheesypoof wrote:
alexdevine wrote: Does this mean we can now create a full members profile area that can be edited by a public user once they have signed up?

Yes Alex, we can certainly do this with a front-end form. Please see the members/profile.php example. Create a new thread if you have any questions.

Thank you Cheesypoof, i will have a play around :)
alexdevine wrote: Does this mean we can now create a full members profile area that can be edited by a public user once they have signed up?

For Example:

User can upload a avatar for the comments and it would display when they add a comment?

@Alex I have something quite similar being worked on right now, you can check my progress on Simmons Studio (Zambia) by clicking here.
Although you will have to register and activate your account to view this area :)
After signing in, simply click on your username on the right sidebar.

As for the comments I am yet to figure out how this can be achieved, the commenting system currently seems to recognize only users not members. KK has been queried.
You live many times, but only ever remember your lives.length - 1
Hello KK,

A few posts back you wrote about a 'social login' addon that didn't make it into the members module and you we're willing to share it if people would want to try it out.

For an upcoming website I would like to include a Facebook login option next to the email option already in the members module. It would be a blessing if you shared this code.
cholasimmons wrote:
alexdevine wrote: Does this mean we can now create a full members profile area that can be edited by a public user once they have signed up?

For Example:

User can upload a avatar for the comments and it would display when they add a comment?

@Alex I have something quite similar being worked on right now, you can check my progress on Simmons Studio (Zambia) by clicking here.
Although you will have to register and activate your account to view this area :)
After signing in, simply click on your username on the right sidebar.

As for the comments I am yet to figure out how this can be achieved, the commenting system currently seems to recognize only users not members. KK has been queried.


Thanks for the heads up on this, i am currently in the design stage of creating a large website for a gaming community.

The system is required to do the following:
user add YouTube videos into a video section, API would need to be utilized.
user upload of images into their profile.
A forum system, i did recall KK saying Couch could be used to achieve this type of build. I may have to pay for help :P

The next part, a basic color picker of elements including link hover, button, logo, background uploader, again i think i would need to pay for help here.

With both KK and Cheesypoof around there is enough paid support to achieve my vision which i have been working on for over 1 year.

Here is the 'Facebook Login' addon you asked for -
(149.61 KiB) Downloaded 825 times

a. Extracting the attached zip will yield a folder named 'social-login'. Add this folder to the 'addons' folder of your Couch installation.

b. Add the following line to the 'addons/kfunctions.php' file
Code: Select all
require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/social-login/facebook/facebook.php' );

Since you are dealing with a Facebook app, I'm sure you know that this requires registering your app with Facebook and getting the 'App ID' and 'App Secret' keys.

These can be had by visiting and creating a new app.
Please google around if you are unsure about this step. I am assuming you have the two keys with you.

Edit the config.php file within the 'social-login' folder to add the keys info.

Like the 'members' module, this module also relies on separate template of its own.

Create a template named 'fb.php' and put the following content within it -
Code: Select all
<?php require_once( '../couch/cms.php' ); ?>

    <cms:template title='Facebook Login' hidden='1' />

    <cms:member_check_login />
    <cms:if k_member_logged_in >
        <!-- what is an already logged-in member doing on the login page? Send back to homepage. -->
        <cms:redirect k_site_link />
    <cms:else />

        <cms:facebook_login />
        <cms:if k_error >
            <h3><cms:show k_error /></h3>

<?php COUCH::invoke(); ?>

Place this template with the other templates used by the members module (i.e. login.php, lost-password.php etc.)

By default these templates are expected to be in a folder named 'members' present in the site's root. If you have chosen to place the templates elsewhere, please edit 'addons/social-login/config.php' to set the new template name (the <?php require_once( '../couch/cms.php' ); ?> statement in the template might also need to be modified accordingly).

The template we created above handles all the facebook login stuff in the background (specifically, the '<cms:facebook_login />' tag within it).

With it in place, we can now simply place a link to the template anywhere on the site where we offer the visitor to use Facebook for login.

A reasonable place to put this link would be the 'members/login.php' template that handles the regular login stuff.

Please add the following to the login template
Code: Select all
<!-- Login via Facebook -->
<a href="<cms:facebook_login_link />" />Login with Facebook</a> <br>

and test things out.

Please let us know if this helps.
When using the register form that you supplied as a sample just shows up as a login panel?

Also when adding my own user (within admin panel) and then using the login.php within the /members folder you supplied the login is showing Invalid username or password when its correct.

This is now also bouncing back as error-page not found when visiting both in the admin panel and also on the webpage.

have i done something wrong?

sidenote - Its currently v1.4RC1 (build 20131015)

Kfunctions.php shows this

Code: Select all
if ( !defined('K_COUCH_DIR') ) die(); // cannot be loaded directly

//require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/cart/session.php' );
//require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/cart/cart.php' ); // automatically includes session

require_once( K_COUCH_DIR . 'addons/cart/session.php' );
require_once( K_COUCH_DIR . 'addons/data-bound-form/data-bound-form.php' );
require_once( K_COUCH_DIR.'addons/member/member.php' );

I have tried to close the above php tag ?> still no joy and adding // to the three un //

When using the register form that you supplied as a sample just shows up as a login panel?
Perhaps you forgot to register the template (by accessing it as super-admin).
The template should appear in the admin-panel's sidebar if it is registered.

Also when adding my own user (within admin panel) and then using the login.php within the /members folder you supplied the login is showing Invalid username or password when its correct.
Please use the 'email' instead of the 'name' to login.

Hope this helps.
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