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I am following the documentation on "Pretty URLs". However when I run for my website, it loads a blank page. Am I missing something?

Also, I will be adding the content of the file created into an existing .htaccess file that is used in my website. Will that be okay?
However when I run for my website, it loads a blank page. Am I missing something?
Only super-admins can execute gen_htaccess.php so the blank page suggests you are not logged-in as one while accessing it.
One easy of ensuring this is to first login into the admin-panel as super-admin and then change the URL of the browser to point to gen_htaccess.php.

Also, I will be adding the content of the file created into an existing .htaccess file that is used in my website. Will that be okay?
No guarantees, really. The existing set of rules could potentially conflict with the ones used by Couch. You'll have to try and see.
Thank you for the reply. Yes, logging in to the Admin side helped sort the _gen_htaccess.php file issue.

Now, I am able to access all pages except for the ones that has CouchCMS implemented. When navigating to those the web page routes back and displays the home page with broken links and css. Why is this the case? How can this be fixed? Please advice.

Note: I tried changing the CSS links on the Couch pages to 'absolute' but that doesnt help either. The fact that the page does not load at all indicates the issue is not with the CSS links. Also, my pages are .php . I noticed on the Admin side that the pages created are .html.
Are you using the generated .htaccess rules in combination with any existing ones?
I was not earlier. At first I used only the code generated for the .htaccess file. I have now added my own code to the generated code for .htaccess. My generated code routes the domain to .com
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