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The new Admin Theme is a blast! I love it!

I found so many usefull features and styles. Cant wait to install this update soon.

One thing is not pretty: The color purple and brown. I can show you a nice looking color matching the admin if you like. I am a designer with ambitions for clean interfaces.

It is responsive, I am happy. :D

Here is my color suggestion (ChiChi Theme v.01)

* * * * * * I LOVE COUCH CMS - flexible and straight forward * * * * * *
Anything you have to offer would be welcomed @chichi :)

There are some alternate colors that I styled such as blue, green, and red. They don't look so great though - I probably need to revisit their values.

The idea was to ship with brown by default because it is quite neutral and couldn't possibly clash with the front end site's color scheme. There would also be a method to inject CSS into the admin panel to modify the colors or anything else.
Great idea, I came up with nice and fresh theme colors (see my post above with screenshot).
* * * * * * I LOVE COUCH CMS - flexible and straight forward * * * * * *
I took only a quick look to the new design, but it's great! I like it a lot! It gives a totally new face to this great CMS.
Sticky save-button on top would be a big help. My pages have lots of content and I have to scroll down each time to hit the save-button.

Close window without saving message

My customer forgets to save the site after he added rows to repatable regions. It would be great to have a "if you close this page your data will not be saved to the database" message.

Revision of the last 24 changes

I dont know if this is too big to ask for but some customers have to go back after changing Text very often because they just want to go back.
* * * * * * I LOVE COUCH CMS - flexible and straight forward * * * * * *
Scrolling to the bottom of the page should be less of an issue with the introduction of tabs. There's also the standard browser keyboard shortcut - End. More importantly though, as stated in the original post, I created a keyboard shortcut that submits the form - Ctrl/Cmd + S.

@tim made a feature request a while ago which touched on the possibility of accidentally losing data (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7678). The issue has already been addressed.

You can always create a draft before you make a change that you may want to revert later.
This is so usefull. Thanks for the link and infos. Customers anre sometimes not familiar with fast and efficient keybord usage. We do ;-) Let's teach the rest of the world over and over, ...
* * * * * * I LOVE COUCH CMS - flexible and straight forward * * * * * *
I don't mean to be "that guy," but is there any ETA on CouchCMS v1.4.5? I know none of you guys probably have any idea, but I just figured I'd ask.

Also, I just wanted to say that the new UI is amazing! It's layout seems incredibly idiot-friendly. Yet with all the advanced features, keyboard shortcuts, etc., it looks like it's going to be a power-user-compatible design!

With all the new menus, is it going to be possible to hide some of them? For example, I don't think my client will be needing to edit the 503 page.

All in all, though. This CMS is by far the best I've seen. And to be honest, it actually makes creating CMS-managed websites really fun.
This is great - many thanks for the hard work that's clearly gone in to this redesign. Fantastic how we can now organise the sidebar with headings and divisions - these small things make it so much more accessible.

I like the fact there is a choice of colours - like Chichi I wouldn't opt for the default brown. But that's a personal preference - not a criticism.

Will the 'generate .htaccess' and 'download dump' links be optionally visible for non-superadmins?

Love the mobile version too - smart and clear. I wasn't sure what the logout icon was - could it have a hover/popup tooltip with 'logout' ?

Recently a client emailed me on how to order a new folder she'd added. She didn't understand 'Weight' (yes, there is a clear explanation in brackets - but people just don't seem to read instructions!) ... could it be called Order? Just a thought ... maybe not an issue for most.

Really can't wait for the next version of Couch ...
@Taconut -
All of the sidebar entries above 'Administration' are user-created templates. If you don't have a 503 template, you won't have a link for it in the sidebar. If you have a template that you don't want to appear in the sidebar for administrator users, then just add hidden='1' to the template's template tag. Nothing has changed in this regard, this is all reflects current Couch functionality.

I also don't have an ETA, @KK would be most able to provide one.

@potato -
The 'Generate .htaccess' and 'Download Dump' links will only be visible for super admins.

Do you think a power-off icon ( would be more recognizable? I'm reluctant to use this though because it would create a discontinuity with the sign-in icon ( I chose for the login page.

I think the problem with the usage of brown is that the Couch logo is orange and red. The accent color doesn't work too well when it clashes with the logo. Any other ideas on the matter?
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