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This is now slated for Couch v1.4.5, which will follow shortly after v1.4. Full mockups should be complete in 2 weeks. I am very eager to get some community feedback and bug reporting on this once we have a candidate release available. Also, once v1.4.5 is ready I am sure many of the admin panel feature requests will be addressed shortly after. :) I hope people will be pleased with the end result; it is an intimidating task to create something that will be used and scrutinized by designers.
Looking forward to seeing the new look for Couch - we all need a bit of a makeover now and again. An interesting article on feedback here : Those sites I've worked on and consider a failure, or at least not as good as they could have been, are those where I've been subjected to a committee of clients (usually all in disagreement as to what they want). My rule now is 'no committees' - just one decision maker. I'm sure the Couch community will give feedback of the helpful and constructive sort, rather than 'this is my opinion on the appearance'!

What is happening in v.1.4?
The design is complete and a feature freeze is now in effect. I'm excited for this to be fully integrated with Couch. :)
Really look forward to seeing the redesigned Admin Panel :) - thanks for your hard work. Any idea when this might happen?
I frankly don't have a good answer to that question. Since this is currently planned for 1.4.5, we will have to wait for 1.4 to be released first. KK would be best equipped to provide an estimate. Nevertheless, he has indicated he does not have one. Unless a decision is made to switch the releases, your guess is as good as mine.
First time posting and a newbie in couch.. so far it's very impressive. A feature probably for the admin panel is a method where we can customize the look and feel of the panel - without having to apply it again when updates happen.

Another suggestion (not essential, but a really good addon :D) is to have the means to determine if the user is accessing the admin panel for the first time. We could add tool tips to show the items on the admin panel with descriptions - a "take a tour" option. The new user can choose to use it now, at a later time or disable it.

Hope to hear more updates. Amazing job! :D
Hey Cheesypoof,
I downloaded your responsive admin theme to experiment, it's pretty good I must say. For repeatables and col width issues, I had posted here recently viewtopic.php?f=2&p=12156
What would be interesting is if there was a type='tabular' and a type='stacked' for repeatables, wherein 'tabular' is the default behaviour and the 'stacked' option would have each table-cell as full width on a new-line (perhaps using display block and width 100%?)
This way, if the user is crossing 3 or 4 editable regions in a repeatable (which is when things get messy), he can just change the type from tabular to stacked and things will get stacked, if that is what helps the layout.
Would something like work or even be feasible?

Just a thought for an enhancement, it's not really a required feature in any way. But for editable regions with a character count (or word count?) set, perhaps show the word count live in the admin panel? For e.g. 76/100 characters. It's more visually pleasing than anything else, but may come in handy for some users.. Again, just a thought!

Hi Karen, thanks for the feedback.

If a decision is made to add JavaScript validation of editable regions in a future release, showing a live character count could be a possibility. We would need to give it more thought though.

In regards to repeatable regions, I agree with you that there should be an option to display them in a more traditional (vertical) fashion to address width issues. I'm conflicted about this nevertheless because it may encourage improper usage of repeatable regions in cases where cloned pages and page relations would otherwise be more appropriately utilized. With that said, the implementation of repeatable regions in the new admin has been put on the back-burner until everything else is working fully. I'll certainly try to resolve the width issue though.
Cheesypoof, your concerns are definitely valid about the misuse of repeatables, but the great thing with couch is the extensive documentation, where it's generally very clearly stated which is the optimal way to do things, and then leave it up to the user's discretion, I guess.
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