Forum for discussing general topics related to Couch.
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Hi, reply to this thread if you are willing to provide some small/big-time paid help for couchcms community. There are lots of stuff we can outsource, pay a little here and there. Post any contacts (skype, email) if you desire, otherwise I'll send you a PM.

If you made some project in CouchCMS, you are qualified enough. CouchCMS philosophy heavily promotes learning through coding, so let it also be now earning through coding :)
Hello @trendoman, amazing man, I was looking for something like this.

I would love to make some jobs.

Send me a PM or a message via Skype: rafael.n.carvalho

Thank you,
You may see this as a hype for Couch CMS, and it is rightfully so, thanks to CouchCMS, I quickly got the hand at programming logic, and went to learn UI/UX and C#, and now I'm in 2 startups with rather short time (in off hours from main job). I think Couch should be more exposed to more beginners, simply because everything else is Visual Composer and Drag'n'Drop things. To be able to fully control everything, but simply is just pure excellence.

Also, I vote KK for supreme leader in it's good sense. Dedication of support is just amazing. I would love to have a work ethic like that.

If you want to discuss paid projects, or you are looking for paid projects, you can find me in CouchCMS Skype Chat.
You may also find me in the CouchCMS skype chat if you wish to discuss anything, including paid projects.
Thank you Guys, really appreciate response! :D

How about first bounty gig for sending attachments with PHP mailer couch addon. Details: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9924&p=25583#p25583

I've seen some code online, hope it won't be very difficult, so just to get things going I am thinking about US30 (paypal, etc). I am paying this with my own money. I think this feature can be useful in some projects (will post it in Tips&Tricks or @KK could maybe integrate it to the main branch).

Suggest your offer. If someone has this done already, then probably it won't hurt to post solution in forum for 2/3rd of my initial offer.

I want to an update for the open bounty list today.
We know that securefile type of editable works only within databound form, if stated as type='bound'. So this limits our options and we can't upload a securefile with cms:db_persist tag. I wish this would be available to help solve 'multi-uploading' of files with CouchCMS.

  • $30 for sending attachments with PHPMailer addon
  • $50 for securefile use within db_persist tag
  • $50 [SOLVED] multi-uploading securefiles
  • $20 [SOLVED] for pdf-merge script integrated with couch
  • $50 for taking a fillable pdf and saving it's filled copy to a new cloned page as a flattened copy of that 'template' pdf.

Always look forward to more couch addons and extension of core functions :)

about saving a form as an pdf file ... maybe you should look at this

The MPDF library is quite easy to use with couch so I think you could use it as a start.
I load frameworks and write bugs on top of them, after that I rearrange the code so that it looks like a cool product.
Tomarnst wrote: about saving a form as an pdf file ...

Hi :)
I don't need to save a form as pdf file :) Not just yet, but maybe in future. So thank you.
$30 for sending attachments with PHPMailer addon

That one is still on the table. Negotiable :)
I am currently working on the attachments in phpmailer.

This will also modify the original functions.php file as I have to add the ability for attachments to the original mailer in order to pass them on to the phpmailer handler. (currently only uses the "file" type upload... working on data-bound forms shortly)

I no longer need to alter the original functions.php file
I have found a better solution to the attachments issue (files type working completely, however still debugging securefiles)

I will have a downloadable package as well as tutorials on the matter shortly.
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